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Concurrent Logins

Concurrent Logins

Decide if members are able to share login credentials or log into the same account on multiple devices.

Are you tired of your web app being accessed by multiple users with the same login credentials? Do you want to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the security of your platform? You can control concurrent logins with a single on/off toggle.

Concurrent Logins

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Primary Benefits

Enhance Security

By disabling concurrent logins, you can ensure that the right person will be accessing your site.

Increased flexibility

Allowing concurrent logins provides users with more flexibility, as they can access their accounts from multiple devices or locations simultaneously.

Build Trust

Disabling concurrent logins adds an extra layer of trust to your site, assuring users that their personal information is secure.

How to Enable or Disable Concurrent Logins

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Understanding the Default Setting

By default, concurrent logins are possible. That means multiple users can enter the same email and password and stay logged-in at the same time. In some circumstances (e.g. a team of remote workers), concurrent logins might be a desirable setting. It all depends on your needs, but the good news is you can enable and disable that setting as required. Here's how:

Preventing Concurrent Logins

  1. Go to your Memberstack dashboard.
  2. Click Settings on the side menu.
  3. Scroll down to the Other heading.
  4. Switch on the Disable concurrent logins toggle.

A popup window displays.

  1. Read the terms (it lets you know that all logged-in users will be logged out if you proceed).
  2. Check the box to proceed.
  3. Click Confirm.
  4. Click Save on the next page.
  • Note To enable concurrent logins, switch off the toggle and click Save.

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