How to automatically make all external links nofollow
Other use-cases using Memberscript #122
· How to automatically make all external links open in a new tab
· How to automatically make all external links noreferrer
Memberscripts needed

Why/Use Cases
- Avoid hurting your SEO.
- Used to not pass on SEO value to websites that are untrusted, or you don’t consider reputable.
- Used on sponsored/paid/affiliate links.
Adding a nofollow attribute to all external links on a Webflow site
This guide will help you quickly and easily add a nofollow attribute to all external links on your website.
To add a nofollow attribute to all external links on your Webflow site, we’re going to use MemberScript #122 – Open External Links in New Tab. Follow the link to get the code you’ll need to add to your page (or entire site) and watch a video tutorial on how to set everything up.
All you need to do to make external links nofollow is add our custom code to your site (before the closing body tag). External links will now automatically have a nofollow attribute.
By default, our code will also make all external links noreferrer and open in new tabs. To disable any of these, you just need to comment out the relevant line of code or just delete it entirely.
Adding exceptions
If you need to make an exception for a link, all you have to do is add the following attribute to it:
· ms-code-ext-link=”ignore”
That’s everything there is to it, you can now go ahead and test external links on your live site.
If you want to use our demo project to get you started, just click the button below to add it to your Webflow site.
Our demo can help you automatically make all external links nofollow on your Webflow site.
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