StackRadar is a vetted curation of tech tools to help people and business of every kind understand, build, integrate and scale their tech stacks.
Who you are, what does your project do, and why did you build it?
StackRadar is a vetted curation of tech tools to help people and business of every kind understand, build, integrate and scale their tech stacks.

What problems did Memberstack help you to solve?
Memberstack enables us to connect with the StackRadar community to better understand the barriers people face in discovering, learning and adopting tech, and how we can help those people use these tools to build and scale their work in a way they never thought possible!

What are your favourite things about Memberstack? Why are those your favourites?
Memberstack makes community building accessible to anyone (be it a product, service or content) no matter their level of tech savvy! It's affordable and resource-heavy, so anyone can learn to take advantage of the growing set of features on offer. The platform offers a combo of the tech required to implement membership and community function, but also offers you knowledge and UI templates to guide you beyond simply implementing a community function and into successfully scaling a community.

How I built this...
StackRadar is 100% no code. Our website is built on Webflow (designed in Figma). Our CMS backend (400+ tools and resources) is held in Airtable, we use Whalesync to feed that data into the Webflow CMS and Jetboost for CMS searching, filtering and to enable users to save tools to their account. We use Memberstack for account creation and community forums/conversations, and Plain for our CRM 🚀

Who you are, what does your project do, and why did you build it?
StackRadar is a vetted curation of tech tools to help people and business of every kind understand, build, integrate and scale their tech stacks.

What problems did Memberstack help you to solve?
Memberstack enables us to connect with the StackRadar community to better understand the barriers people face in discovering, learning and adopting tech, and how we can help those people use these tools to build and scale their work in a way they never thought possible!

What are your favourite things about Memberstack? Why are those your favourites?
Memberstack makes community building accessible to anyone (be it a product, service or content) no matter their level of tech savvy! It's affordable and resource-heavy, so anyone can learn to take advantage of the growing set of features on offer. The platform offers a combo of the tech required to implement membership and community function, but also offers you knowledge and UI templates to guide you beyond simply implementing a community function and into successfully scaling a community.

How I built this...
StackRadar is 100% no code. Our website is built on Webflow (designed in Figma). Our CMS backend (400+ tools and resources) is held in Airtable, we use Whalesync to feed that data into the Webflow CMS and Jetboost for CMS searching, filtering and to enable users to save tools to their account. We use Memberstack for account creation and community forums/conversations, and Plain for our CRM 🚀

Start building your dreams
Memberstack is 100% free until you're ready to launch - so, what are you waiting for? Create your first app and start building today.