Focus on teaching & we'll handle the backend
Turn your one-time teaching classes into any-time memberships, offer free or paid access and limited-time offers to exclusive courses all whilst building a supportive community helping each other learn and grow.
I'm not really sure how I would have built my site without Memberstack. It's done everything that I wanted. So I'm very happy to be a Memberstack customer.
Memberstack helps us sign up over 10K new applicants every month, with zero problems and a stellar support crew. Couldn't be happier with our choice 🙂
Manage your students in one place
- Offer free or paid access to digital content, so you know exactly what you’re getting paid each month
- Build loyal membership communities
- Post comments, ask questions, encourage your members to learn from each other
Build recurring revenue
- Run limited time offers for new courses and live-streams
- Offer coupon codes and one-time offers for new, exclusive content
- Get paid from day one
Gate valuable content
Offer access to valuable digital content, products, services, downloads and data by letting website visitors sign up for an account.
- Tutorials, guides, courses
- Bring your business online
- Free memberships or paid? Easily turn on payments as you build an audience
+ web developers and designers using Memberstack
Learn how founder Ben built the leading no-code community, turning a static website into a web application
“Originally, Memberstack was a sort of payment-membership manager. We used it to show and hide Free and Pro content on the site. Over time we've tried to push it a bit further. Now, we offer a full web app experience with user profiles connected to a forum where you can post comments and interact with others. It's not just paid access anymore.”
Start from a template
Launch rapidly with fully supported, complete business templates.
Premium AI Business Template
Productize your prompts with this complete, premium AI business template built in Webflow.
E-book Premium Template
Tired of the daunting book publishing process? Is it taking you ages to publish your book, and even longer to distribute it before getting the revenue stream? Buy the e-book template today, and get the revenue rolling in within days, not months!
Similar Features
LinkedIn Login
Allow your members to sign up & login into your web app with their LinkedIn account.
Learn moreBlock Disposable Emails
By default, Memberstack will prevent sign-ups from thousands and thousands of "throw-away" email addresses.
Learn more2FA for Admin
Require site admin to verify their identity before gaining access to sensitive customer information.
Learn more