
Launch and sell your craft with Memberstack

Digitize your skills, create members-only content and sell online all while helping members discover food cultures from around the world.

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Don't just take our word for it.

See what top foodies say about Memberstack.

Memberstack helps us sign up over 10K new applicants every month, with zero problems and a stellar support crew. Couldn't be happier with our choice 🙂

Nicolas Kneler
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Why foodies love Memberstack

Focus on your craft

Offer access to valuable digital content by letting visitors sign up for an account.
  • Deliver recipes, cook-a-longs, reviews on a recurring basis 
  • Bring your business online, get paid from day one
  • Free cooking memberships or paid? Easily turn on payments as you build an audience
  • Build loyal communities, encourage members to learn and grow their culinary skills

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Automate as you scale

Automate your processes and connect your favorite tools so you can focus on what’s important.

Integromat Integration for 24x7 automations

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Get Started for free
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apps & businesses launched on Memberstack
in revenue earned by Memberstack customers
API Requests processed per month
members registered via Memberstack



+ web developers and designers using Memberstack

Learn how developer Tom built a cooking subscription service to make cooking, eating and learning about food accessible to everyone

"What Rassa is doing is giving chefs a platform and way to digitalize their skills and become creators in the creator economy. Up until now, our chefs have had to work crazy long hours for low pay, and it's a pretty abusive environment. We're trying to make it easier for chefs to make money online and help people discover cultures from all around the world."

Tom Charman

Start from a template

Launch rapidly with fully supported, complete business templates.

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Built by our team

Local Marketplace Template

Build a fully-custom marketplace business (like Facebook Marketplace) using Webflow in just a few days using Memberstack, Talk.js,, and some tools from our friends at Finsweet.

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 for Memberstack customers
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Built by our team

Luxury Rental Template

Thinking about creating your own real estate website but not sure where to start? This template could be a game-changer!

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 for Memberstack customers
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