
The best icon packs for designers, developers, and creators with a treasury of exquisite icons.

Salim Lunat

Key Integrations


Who you are, what does your project do, and why did you build it?

Hey there! I'm Salim, founder of Webestica and the creator of the Iconstica icon pack. We’re a passionate team of over 10 designers and developers based in India, crafting high-quality website templates for Webflow and Twitter Bootstrap. So far, we've created over 200+ stunning templates.

While building these templates, we struggled to find an icon library that was unique, minimalist, and consistent. So, we took matters into our own hands and created the Iconstica icon library on Figma.

Afterward, we decided to sell these icons on Gumroad. I had known about Memberstack but initially thought it might be too complex. However, it was the perfect time for our team to give it a try. Luckily, we found the Webflow clonable "SVG Icon Library Template" by Memberstack, and with the free trial, we had our website gated with login functionality in just a day or two.

What problems does Memberstack help you to solve?

Without Memberstack, I would have had to hire a developer to build all this functionality, spending hundreds of hours waiting and thousands of dollars. 💸 Memberstack empowered me to build and manage my entire website with ease.

What are your favourite things about Memberstack? Why are those your favourites?

Oh, I absolutely love Memberstack! ❤️ As someone who isn't a programmer, it was a dream to create a fully-fledged website with login and gated content functionality.

Memberstack made that dream come true, allowing me to build a gated content website without writing a single line of code.

I can now (kinda) call myself a developer! 😄 (Just kidding, but, Memberstack makes it feel that way!)

How I built this

We started with Memberstack to gate our premium icons, setting up two pricing plans: Pro and Team. We then used Jetboost to add powerful search and filter functionality to our icon web app. The result is truly impressive! You can check it out here: https://www.iconstica.com/free-icons 🔍

A big shoutout to the Memberstack support team for quickly resolving my queries and to Duncan for creating super easy-to-understand tutorial videos. More power to you and your team! 💪

Who you are, what does your project do, and why did you build it?

Hey there! I'm Salim, founder of Webestica and the creator of the Iconstica icon pack. We’re a passionate team of over 10 designers and developers based in India, crafting high-quality website templates for Webflow and Twitter Bootstrap. So far, we've created over 200+ stunning templates.

While building these templates, we struggled to find an icon library that was unique, minimalist, and consistent. So, we took matters into our own hands and created the Iconstica icon library on Figma.

Afterward, we decided to sell these icons on Gumroad. I had known about Memberstack but initially thought it might be too complex. However, it was the perfect time for our team to give it a try. Luckily, we found the Webflow clonable "SVG Icon Library Template" by Memberstack, and with the free trial, we had our website gated with login functionality in just a day or two.

What problems does Memberstack help you to solve?

Without Memberstack, I would have had to hire a developer to build all this functionality, spending hundreds of hours waiting and thousands of dollars. 💸 Memberstack empowered me to build and manage my entire website with ease.

What are your favourite things about Memberstack? Why are those your favourites?

Oh, I absolutely love Memberstack! ❤️ As someone who isn't a programmer, it was a dream to create a fully-fledged website with login and gated content functionality.

Memberstack made that dream come true, allowing me to build a gated content website without writing a single line of code.

I can now (kinda) call myself a developer! 😄 (Just kidding, but, Memberstack makes it feel that way!)

How I built this

We started with Memberstack to gate our premium icons, setting up two pricing plans: Pro and Team. We then used Jetboost to add powerful search and filter functionality to our icon web app. The result is truly impressive! You can check it out here: https://www.iconstica.com/free-icons 🔍

A big shoutout to the Memberstack support team for quickly resolving my queries and to Duncan for creating super easy-to-understand tutorial videos. More power to you and your team! 💪