
Plug & play User Auth with built-in payments.

Code-level control when you need it — and no code when you don’t. An easy-to-use, & scalable JavaScript embed for websites.

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I've found Memberstack to be one of the most satisfying choices I've made this year. I'm more than happy of what they offer, from the service itself to the personal touch they've put when dealing with my requirements. Tyler and Duncan have been very helpful. Thanks, guys!

Aaron Ocampo
IPA Group
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Why developers love Memberstack

Auth & Payments

Save time and avoid the hassle of building out the same user authentication system every time.

• User signup, login and checkout modals
• Compliant, secure and scalable
• Password resets, profile management and more...

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You're already almost done

Save months of time, get Memberstack setup in a matter of minutes
  • Ready to go user signup, login and checkout modals
  • Compliant, secure and scalable
  • Password resets, profile management and more…
  • Save months of development time, get Memberstack setup in minutes
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APIs and webhooks

A secure, encrypted and scalable user authentication database for your web application — with built-in payment integrations.
  • Plug-and-play modals
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Back-end API and more...
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apps & businesses launched on Memberstack
in revenue earned by Memberstack customers
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+ web developers and designers using Memberstack

Learn how developer Igor runs his web development courses for 200+ members saving months of development time

*Embed showcase Video*

"The biggest problem I was trying to achieve was to manage the access rights for members and also to protect my content from those customers. I wanted to hide some pages completely.

But I also wanted to show people the page, how cool the content is or show all the descriptions about the content, but hide the video itself. That was super easy to do.”

Founder & CEO

Start from a template

Launch rapidly with fully supported, complete business templates.

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Built by our team

Asset Marketplace Template

Free yourself from mad commissions of selling assets online by cutting out the middleman. Launch your visual asset marketplace today!

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 for Memberstack customers
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Built by our team

Webflow Template Store Template

Sell your own Webflow templates independently - just like our team does!

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 for Memberstack customers
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