Generate 301-redirects in seconds. Save hours doing redirects and do more of the things you love.

Who you are, what does your project do, and why did you build it?
Hi! My name is Luke. I'm a full-stack developer, Webflow Certified Partner and creator of Rapid301.
Rapid301 automates the creation of a 301-redirect .csv and .htaccess files. It scans, analyses the urls from the old site and the staging site and best matches them automatically, saving people hours manually matching urls in a spreadsheet (it has a lot of other handy features too!)
I built Rapid301 because I migrated a 350+ pages site to Webflow and the SEO agency I was working with off-loaded the creation of the 301-redirect document to me.
I couldn't find a tool to automate it and it took me 5 hours to create the document manually. It was the single worst task I have ever had to do, but it was mission critical to preserve my clients searching rankings and backlinks.
During the process, I saw a better way to do this and set to work building it. Now Rapid301 can create the 301-redirect .csv for a similar sized site in < 1 minute and at a fraction of the cost.
I'm very happy that our early adopters are saving time and avoiding the frustration and hope that more and more people will soon be able to do the same :)

What problems does Memberstack help you to solve?
User signup, login, admin dashboard, being able to login as a user. Memberstack basically solves every problem I've had related to users and user management. It's really been a pleasure to use!

What are your favourite things about Memberstack? Why are those your favourites?
I've built other applications and tried out different authentication methods. Each method took a lot of time and was very complex, but Memberstack made it incredibly easy.
With Rapid301's front-end built in Webflow, I went to Memberstacks library and copied across the signup/login form, went through the onboarding and within 5-10 minutes, user-accounts/authentication was added. One webhook later to push the customer info on signup to Supabase and it was done.
The other huge benefit is the dashboard. Instead of having to build a custom admin panel, I can just sign in to Memberstack and it's all there. I also like that MemberStack is handling all the updates regarding authentication.
It's difficult to know how much time I saved in total, but I'd say probably a 2-3 weeks work was compressed into 15-20 minutes.

How I Built this
Stack High Level Overview -
Front-end: Webflow + custom code
Back-end: Node.js hosted on Render
Database: Supabase
Auth / Admin: Memberstack
Payments: Stripe
Rapid301 started life as a node.js application running locally. I got the general scraping / matching scripts running with hardcoded URLs. Then I started creating the API and testing with Postman.
Once it was working well locally, I deployed it to Render and built the first version of the front-end in Webflow. At this point the application was simple - users enter their domains and email, the script runs and emails the output (files) to them.
This was a good MVP but the next step was V1, which involved doing a lot of things.
1. Adding user management (Memberstack)
2. Adding the database + securing it (Supabase)
3. A complete rethink of the onboarding flow + additional screens for users to manage their accounts / projects
4. Improving the API.
5. Lots of custom front-end code for conditional elements.
Once all the above was built, tested and working, a few more features were added to improve the UX and quality of Rapid301 as a whole; improved the matching algorithm, better error handling / server logs, ability to upload .csv files and general tidy up.
After some good feedback from initial users, we added Stripe payment links and now here we are!

Who you are, what does your project do, and why did you build it?
Hi! My name is Luke. I'm a full-stack developer, Webflow Certified Partner and creator of Rapid301.
Rapid301 automates the creation of a 301-redirect .csv and .htaccess files. It scans, analyses the urls from the old site and the staging site and best matches them automatically, saving people hours manually matching urls in a spreadsheet (it has a lot of other handy features too!)
I built Rapid301 because I migrated a 350+ pages site to Webflow and the SEO agency I was working with off-loaded the creation of the 301-redirect document to me.
I couldn't find a tool to automate it and it took me 5 hours to create the document manually. It was the single worst task I have ever had to do, but it was mission critical to preserve my clients searching rankings and backlinks.
During the process, I saw a better way to do this and set to work building it. Now Rapid301 can create the 301-redirect .csv for a similar sized site in < 1 minute and at a fraction of the cost.
I'm very happy that our early adopters are saving time and avoiding the frustration and hope that more and more people will soon be able to do the same :)

What problems does Memberstack help you to solve?
User signup, login, admin dashboard, being able to login as a user. Memberstack basically solves every problem I've had related to users and user management. It's really been a pleasure to use!

What are your favourite things about Memberstack? Why are those your favourites?
I've built other applications and tried out different authentication methods. Each method took a lot of time and was very complex, but Memberstack made it incredibly easy.
With Rapid301's front-end built in Webflow, I went to Memberstacks library and copied across the signup/login form, went through the onboarding and within 5-10 minutes, user-accounts/authentication was added. One webhook later to push the customer info on signup to Supabase and it was done.
The other huge benefit is the dashboard. Instead of having to build a custom admin panel, I can just sign in to Memberstack and it's all there. I also like that MemberStack is handling all the updates regarding authentication.
It's difficult to know how much time I saved in total, but I'd say probably a 2-3 weeks work was compressed into 15-20 minutes.

How I Built this
Stack High Level Overview -
Front-end: Webflow + custom code
Back-end: Node.js hosted on Render
Database: Supabase
Auth / Admin: Memberstack
Payments: Stripe
Rapid301 started life as a node.js application running locally. I got the general scraping / matching scripts running with hardcoded URLs. Then I started creating the API and testing with Postman.
Once it was working well locally, I deployed it to Render and built the first version of the front-end in Webflow. At this point the application was simple - users enter their domains and email, the script runs and emails the output (files) to them.
This was a good MVP but the next step was V1, which involved doing a lot of things.
1. Adding user management (Memberstack)
2. Adding the database + securing it (Supabase)
3. A complete rethink of the onboarding flow + additional screens for users to manage their accounts / projects
4. Improving the API.
5. Lots of custom front-end code for conditional elements.
Once all the above was built, tested and working, a few more features were added to improve the UX and quality of Rapid301 as a whole; improved the matching algorithm, better error handling / server logs, ability to upload .csv files and general tidy up.
After some good feedback from initial users, we added Stripe payment links and now here we are!

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